Build Integrated Community Systems
Two of RESTCo's principals were co-authors on
a new paper published
in an open-access, online, peer-reviewed journal titled
"Change in microplastic concentration during various temporal events downstream of a combined
sewage overflow and in an urban stormwater creek".
Dr. Bill Adams of RESTCo made an online presentation in the Almonte Lecture series
titled "Dirty Secrets of the Oil Industry in Canada" (youtube video 1 hours 17 minutes).
RESTCo Tier 0 (zero) Article in International Spill Control (ISCO) Newsletter.
RESTCo Tier 0 (zero) Presentation for NALMS 2021 Conference.
RESTCo Media Release: Multi-function Oil Spill Recovery
Vessel for Near-shore Operations - Next Design Iteration.
RESTCo Letter to Canadian federal government Ministers: Evaluation of Innovative Oil
Spill Response Technologies and the RESTCo Multi-function Oil Spill Recovery Workboat
2020-09-04 RESTCo submits White Paper to U.S. Bureau of Safety and
Environmental Enforcement (BSEE):
Proposed Research on Improved Oil Recovery in Thin Oil Slicks and Oil Sheens.
2020-06-29 RESTCo entry to Create the Future Competition Accepted
You can see
the entry here.
The continuing work to develop and refine the RESTCo multi-purpose utility boat is being funded
internally by RESTCo. The boat, which can be built in versions from 5 to 10 metres long, is
designed to carry out a range of functions for a variety of industries, including:
recovery of oil spilled on open water
collection of floating plastic pollution - including microplastics - from open water
pick-up of floating trash, flotsam and jetsam, useful for marinas, harbours, resorts, etc.
carrying personnel and equipment (e.g. ATV) to worksites
harvesting seaweed (e.g. kelp)
a range of aquaculture operations (setting, monitoring and harvesting feeding strings,
baskets, traps)
diving and light salvage support
removing algae blooms, and more.

RESTCo Multi-purpose Utility Boat - Workboat Mode

RESTCo Multi-purpose Utility Boat with gravity collection tower
For more information, contact us.
2019-12-17 RESTCo's continuing work on microplastics
got some local press coverage.
The work being funded by the National Geographic Society (expenses only) is about testing
technologies which can remove plastic pollution - and specifically microplastics - from
wild waters.
2019-05-30 Two of RESTCo's principals (Bill Adams and Darryl McMahon) were invited
to present at the international 2019 CIRSIP conference.
It was a superb experience! We are grateful to and appreciative of the dedicated and enthusiastic team
from INREST who worked tirelessly to make the conference a success, with special mentions for
Julie Carrière, Viridiana Jimenez and Alexandra Power. Thanks also to the leadership from the City
of Sept-Îles and the Port of Sept-Îles for adding great value to our visit. We presented
4 papers and
unveiled the model of the RESTCo
Multi-functional Shallow Water Skimmer vessel.
2019-05-21 RESTCo's prinicpals and many of our associates are concerned about the
consequences of climate change as we continue to witness in the world around us. While we work on
some specific issues which will mitigate climate change and adapt to some of its known and expected
impacts, the subject is too big for us to address on an R&D basis. Therefore, we recommend
this site
to readers to get a sense of what climate change means today, and why terms like 'catastropic climate
change', 'climate crisis' and 'climate emergency' are now appropriate.
2018-06-01 RESTCo mentioned in
Chemistry World article 'Oil Spill Cleanup'.
2018-02-03 RESTCo presented at the 2018 Northern Lights Conference regarding adapting
for climate change (permafrost melt, coastal erosion, strengthening storms, polar ice cap melt) with
energy-efficient, healthy, adaptable housing and movable infrastructure at the community level.
You can view our PDF version (more compact) and
PowerPoint version.
2017-10-04 RESTCo presented at the 40th AMOP Arctic and Maritime Oil Spill conference in Calgary.
You can view our backdrop poster and
2016-11-03 Dr. Bill Adams of RESTCo co-presented at the 2016 Clean Gulf conference.
The paper and
a PDF version of the presentation.
2016-11-02 RESTCo principal Darryl McMahon co-authors an
article in World
Pipelines magazine speaking to social licence to operate (SLO) and a variety of innovative
oil spill removal and remediation products.
2016-07-12 RESTCo principal Darryl McMahon is quoted in a Smithsonian Magazine
article by Andrew Nikiforuk titled
"Why We Pretend to Clean Up Oil Spills".
A similar version of this piece appeared in
Hakai magazine.
2016-02-23 After years of research and months of raising the issue with the
Canadian federal government, RESTCo sent
this letter regarding dispersant use to Environment Canada officials and the Minister of
Environment and Climate Change.
2014-01-31 RESTCo presented a workshop
at the Northern Lights conference in Ottawa primarily about our innovative housing
housing design and how it could benefit remote communities by providing healthier, longer-lived,
lower initial cost, lower operating cost, adaptable housing for residents. The presentation
also included descriptions from Carleton University students on a new approach to a heat
recovery ventilator for extreme cold conditions and on structural and wind testing of the three-point foundation for the
RESTCo building. Due to the angle for the video camera in the room, the slide deck is
hard to read in the video, so the
presentation slide deck is available here.
kiosk presentation slide deck (PPT) is also available.
2013-10-21 RESTCo gave a
presentation at the 2013 Electric Mobility Electric Vehicle conference
related to the benefits of using electric and hybrid vehicles in Arctic communities,
in vehicle form factors other than cars.
2013-05-28 RESTCo presented a paper
at the CCTC conference in Montreal in May 2013
outlining how a remote community could dramatically reduce its greenhouse gas emissions.
presentation slide deck (PPT) is also available.
RESTCo gave a presentation to the U.S. National Research Council
related to responding to oil spills in Arctic waters, consequences and superior clean-up and
remediation techniques.
2013-03-30 RESTCo wrote the
Final Report for Input to Alternate Energy & Renewable Energy Stream for the Canadian High
Arctic Research Station (CHARS) Science and Technology Blueprint Exercise which called
for implementing renewable energy in the facility, a testing program and facility for
innovative technology in Arctic conditions, and combining southern technology with northern
wisdom to create robust and reliable solutions.
2012-02-15 RESTCo's submission to the Environmental Audit Committee of UK House of Commons -
Protecting the Arctic
Also available at the U.K. government's website)
(or local link)
2012-02-02 On February 2, 2012, Dr. Willam A. (Bill) Adams presented a paper at the 2012 Northern Lights
conference, which was authored by him and Christopher (Chris)
Ives. Bill and Chris are both RESTCo principals. The title of the paper is
"Operating in the Arctic Ocean: Environmental Realities and Technical Challenges". It deals with
the potential for offshore drilling for oil and natural gas in the icy waters of the Arctic,
and potential consequences. The paper is also available at the
Northern Lights 2012 conference website.
2011-09-16 With the Canada Science and Technology Museum, RESTCo co-hosted the
Ottawa Forum in parallel with the NEB's Inuvik Roundtable on
Arctic Offshore Drilling from September 12-16 inclusive.
2011-03-31 RESTCo was pleased to submit it's contribution to the
Science and
Technology Blueprint for the Canadian High Arctic Research Station regarding Alternate and
Renewable Energy.
“The Inuit are struggling to cope with erosion, melting permafrost, thinning sea ice, receding glaciers,
and an invasion of new animals, many of which we don’t even have names for.”
Sheila Watt-Cloutier, Nobel Peace Prize nominee in 2007,
at the Fifth Science Centre World Congress, June 2008
The world is changing, and more rapidly for remote and northern communties than for the industrialized
and urbanized world in more temperate regions. So long as the communities of the Canadian north remain
dependent on oil as their primary
energy source, they can have no moral justification for resisting the exploitation of fossil
fuel resources in their territories, no matter how strong the facts may be to support their
objections. We are now the 'coal-mine canaries' in the climate change experiment.
Energy is the lifeblood of modern life in the industrialized world.
Current changes threaten the supply of reliable and
abundant energy in new ways. We need new ways of thinking to address this new vulnerability.
Unikkaaqatigiit climate change poster (2 pages)
Unikkaaqatigiit presentation ITK (18 pages)
Unikkaaqatigiit Book (129 pages)